Where is the Ideal Location for a Carport on Your Melbourne Property?

If you’ve noticed your neighbours getting their carport builders Melbourne for their homes, it got you curious enough to do your research about this helpful yet straightforward structure. And perhaps you’ve already decided on the design, size, materials, colours, and even who will assist you in constructing your carport. But have you chosen the ideal location for your carport, though?

The location of your new carport is just as important as its design, size, materials, and colour scheme. If you choose the suitable spot ideal for you, the carport will better protect your vehicle from the weather and less likely to be targeted by thieves. This article will take a closer look into this critical choice.

Timber Carports Melbourne

Ideal Location for Your Carport

Deciding the ideal location for your carport Melbourne is guided by three fundamental factors, as listed below:


Vehicle Protection

The primary reason you’re likely to want a carport is to safeguard your vehicle, which makes sense. Like most people, a car is likely to be your second-largest expenditure, next to the house. The more you protect it from the weather, the longer it will survive, the nicer it will appear, and the more value you will get when it comes time to trade it in for a new one.

While the size of your carport is critical to ensuring sufficient coverage, it’s also important that you factor in the direction of the prevailing wind in your area. Typically, the general wind direction in Melbourne is an arc from west to north, from north to south. It’s a good idea to place shield protection on your carport’s windward side if you want the most protection. The side of your house, a tree, plants, a fence, or a wall or screening may serve as this protection if permitted by the local council.


Security Against Thieves

While deciding the ideal location to put your carport Melbourne, keep vandals and thieves in mind when making your decision.

If your house has sliding glass doors or a huge window, you should put your carport next to it to keep the thieves away. If you can’t find a spot near your house, try to find a location in front of your home as far away from the front border as feasible. Only if the region is well-lit can the back of the property be acceptable. Having a carport in a dark back corner gives thieves more time to steal into your vehicle.

Lighting is also a significant factor in deterring thieves. A well-lit carport, particularly one equipped with sensor lighting, will likely discourage thieves, prompting them to flee the property.


The Ideal Location for You

For your carport Melbourne, where is the ideal location to install it? This decision is a personal opinion, but the most common answer is right next to your house. No worries about getting wet or being roasted by the sun if your carport has a door right next to it.

A carport next to your house isn’t always an option. In this case, selecting a level ground near the house and easily accessible is the next best idea.

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